Welcome to Prokon

PROKON Wind Energy Finland Oy is a company founded in 2011 for the development and operation of wind farms. Prokon Finland is part of the German Prokon Group, one of Germany's leading companies in the field of wind farm projects, operation and maintenance. Prokon Finland has a number of projects in the planning and construction phase in different parts of Finland, totaling over 200 wind turbines.

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Project Developement
PROKON Wind Energy Finland Oy
Pitkäkatu 34 B
65100 Vaasa

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EIA and LUP plan for contribution for Rahkakuru to be available for viewing

The Rahkakuru wind farm's Environmental Impact Assessment Program (EIA) and the plan for contribution of the land use plan (LUP) of the wind farm will be made available for viewing between April 10 and May 10, 2024.

The material of the environmental impact assessment procedure (EIA) can be found on the website of Finland`s environmental administration at Rahkakurun tuulivoimahanke, Merijärvi, Oulainen (ymparisto.fi)

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